Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"make it about you"

I've been thinking about starting this blog for quite some time now. I recently came across my old livejournal and although I can no longer access the posts,you can take my word that they were pretty laughable. 

Finding my old livejournal also reminded me how bad I was about updating. I once tried to turn the notes section of facebook into a mini blog but those posts ended quickly as well. I'll try to update pretty regularly but don't want to promise anything structured. 

So who am I and what is this blog going to be about?

I am a freshman at Northwestern University majoring in journalism (somewhat begrudgingly at this point). I live in the best dorm on campus, work in the admissions office (and no David Marx I can't get you into the school you already attend) and write for the online newsmagazine. This summer I'll be staying in Evanston and interning at the House Theatre of Chicago and I couldn't be more excited.

My blog posts are going to be about a variety of things: theatre (especially musical), baseball, tv, music, movies, my new adventures in smashing, any pretty much anything else that's on my mind. I'll try not to complain about school too much (I'll leave that to my friend Chris) and generally try to make sure the posts have some sort of substance (but again, no promises).

(and just because I miss this old section of livejournal)

Music: So Anyway - Alice Ripley, Next to Normal OBCR (had to reference the name of the blog somehow heh ;) )

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